
Monday, 23 December 2013

LiteForex’s working schedule during holidays

On Dec 23, 2013 11:48 PM, "LiteForex" <> wrote:
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LiteForex's working schedule during holidays
Dear clients,

Christmas and New Year are coming soon, and therefore we would like to inform you about the working schedule of the LiteForex Company.

On the threshold of Christmas, on 24th December, all company's departments will work in standard mode, although the CFD instruments will be available for trade from 17:30 till 21:00 according to the platform time. Depending on the market liquidity, gold and silver trading will be suspended on 24th December, from 21:00 till 23:59.

On 25th December, at Christmas, the market will be closed from 00:00:01, trading will be also suspended. LiteForex's staff will have a day off as well. The work will be resumed on 26th December, at 00:00:01 in usual mode.

On the threshold of New Year, on 31st December, all departments of the company will assist you till 14:00, and trading will be available till 18:00 according to the platform time. The first day of the new 2014 year both LiteForex's staff and clients will be able to take a rest and enjoy the company of friends and family – trading will be stopped on 1st January, from 00:00.

On 2nd January, Forex trading will be resumed starting from 00:00:01.

The LiteForex Company wishes you to have a good rest and gather all strength for new achievements in the Forex market!

With best wishes,
LiteForex's staff.
LiteForex Financial services provided by LiteForex Investment Group, Inc.
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