
Saturday, 21 December 2013

فليشنك قرآن

On Tue, Dec 17, 2013 at 5:14 AM, Amer Aleem <> wrote:


فليشنك قرآن

Flashing Qur'an (Mushaf Al Madinah An Nabawiyyah) is designed for all the Muslims who work on computers during their college timings, office timings or while using computers generally.
This Mushaf is designed on Flash and it is a .swf file. The size of this Mushafis little above 50MB.
This is a gift for Muslims all around the World. After few days holy month of Ramadan is about to start. Muslims all around the World can recite Qur'aneasily on their computers while they are in colleges or any place where they can use computers.
This Mushaf can be opened on any flash player or it can be opened on any browser.

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